As a European contributing to an American website, I’m always concious that what I upload may lose or gain appeal as it crosses the Atlantic. Track bike crits around London and road racing are generally fairly safe territory, but grown ups in fancy dress on old bikes is a bit of a grey area. No doubt though, it was a great event. Only pre 1987 bikes and kit were allowed on a hilly 100 mile route through the Peak District in the north of England. I went and joined them for a bit (on a not very old carbon Cinelli) and shot some black and white film. At a rest stop I had a chat with competitors from all over the world. Some were riding as teams speaking several different languages, who’d met at the festival site in Bakewell. Others had come from Japan, The USA, New Zealand and all over Europe. Over coffee from a Rapha H-Van they all told me how tough it was and how much fun it was. I have a wobbly old 70’s Vitus, and next year, I’m totally getting a woollen jersey and some short shorts so I can get involved.
Fuji Neopan 100 / Ilford HP5 400